Thursday, September 29, 2011


The commemoration of the passing of Saint Francis to Eternal Life

The Guam friars celebrated the Transitus on Thursday, September 29.  Every deceased friar of the Vice Province was remembered with a candle lit in their memory.  Father Andre and the postulants organized the service.

The friars, including Archbishop Apuron (left), sing the opening song.

Father Patrick Castro arranged the candle lighting space.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Over 300 people gathered at Saint Fidelis Friary on Friday, September 23, for the final night of the novena to Padre Pio, followed by Mass, procession and dinner.

The rain started before dawn and kept pouring and pouring, but the people ketp coming and coming.  The rain stopped just before 6pm, and the prayers began around 620pm.  The rain never returned and a great, and dry, time was had by all.

The sanctuary was decked out beautifully with autumn colors.

Padre Pio and Our Lady (unseen here) were both decorated with flower leis.

The men begin carrying the andas, or pallet, of Padre Pio for the procession.

A rear view of the candle light procession.

Archbishop Anthony Apuron graced us with his presence.  Fr. Andre stands on the left.

A relic of Padre Pio (one of his blood stained handkerchiefs) is venerated.

The fiesta meal had more than enough food, provided by the people themselves.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Established so far back we can't be sure when (probably the 1910s), the San Francisco Fraternity of the SFO is the pioneer of the two SFO fraternities on Guam, and meets every first Sunday of the month at the Friary.  They keep alive the Franciscan tradition in the Chamorro language.


Individual SFO members profess before Fr. Joseph English, Capuchin Vice Provincial

A view of the Fraternity

Fathers Andre and Felix were in attendance

Family and friends of the professed were so numerous...some had to sit outside!

Fr. Patrick Castro, Spiritual Assistant of the Padre Pio SFO Fraternity
With his help, the whole day was well-organized

The goodies that awaited the community after the profession!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


The Capuchin Friars of Guam assisted a group of pilgrims from Guam to World Youth Day in Madrid traveling under the spiritual banner of the Capuchin Franciscans.  Father Andre Eduvala, OFM Cap, went along as their spiritual director.

Fr. Andre (middle) leads a small group of Guam pilgrims in prayer

Proudly displaying the Guam flag

Fr. Andre

The Guam Franciscan pilgrims in the streets of Madrid

Saturday, September 3, 2011


The postulants (Joe, Junee, Emil and Gavin) spent much of today in prayer and reflection.  Father Kenneth Hezel, a long-time Jesuit missionary in Micronesia and former superior of this region, lead them on the Day of Prayer.  Father Ken lives on Guam.

Father Ken stayed with key Scripture passages to flesh out three themes for the day : Holy Desires, Holy Unworthiness and Holy Boldness.  After each conference, the postulants spent time reflecting on these biblical passages related to the themes.  At the day's end, the postulants, with Father Ken, shared the day's reflections with each other to put them all together.

Joe Ogo reflects on Scripture

Thursday, September 1, 2011


From Left to Right
Gavin Diego, Junee Valencia, Emil Escalera, Joseph Ogo
Their Director, Fr. Andre Eduvala, is on the far left

At a simple ceremony on September 1 during the Eucharistic Liturgy at Saint Fidelis Friary, four postulants began their program in the Vice Province.  Fr. Joseph English, Vice Provincial, presided and preached at the Liturgy.  He spoke about the fear that is natural to us when we think about doing something new.  Drawing on the day's Gospel, Fr. Joe pointed to Christ's words in the passage, "Do not be afraid."  He continued, today we hear the story of Christ and the Apostles because the Apostles eventually were not afraid, and continued to preach the Gospel of faith and love."

The Gospel affirms the decision of the four postulants to say "yes" to the invitation to experience life in the fraternity and continue discerning God's call, despite the natural apprehensions that come with almost any new adventure.

Fr. Andre, Postulant Director, welcomes Emil into the program

The Postulants receive a Bible, the Liturgy of the Hours and the Tau Cross